Now ideas for wellness

About Meiji

At a Glance

At a Glance

Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our core business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and we are dedicated to achieving this goal.



Medical needs are always diversifying – here's how Meiji is responding.

Human Resources

Meiji Group 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan

Materiality: Growth and success for diverse human resources
Data target range or company leading initiatives
1-11: Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd., Meiji Co., Ltd., Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd., KM Biologics Co., Ltd. (unconsolidated)
12: Meiji Co., Ltd. (consolidated) (Japan only)
Major initiatives Metrics Reference results Targets
FYE March 2023 FYE March 2027
1 Define ideal global business human resources and conducted human resource training program to promote skill and capability improvement Sufficient human resources with skills and capabilities that can be utilized in global business N/D Set target after completing human resource portfolio
2 Accelerate selection of human resources to lead next generation of Group management, conducted training program Number of human resources pool for important positions in group management 14 people 30 or more people
3 Foster autonomous career development awareness and established human resource development system Participation rate for internal voluntary training N/D Set target after organizing research structure
4 Strengthen management skills of managers to provide career support and foster awareness among female employees, and to promote the utilization of diverse human resources Ratio of women among executive officers 2.4% 5% or higher
Ratio of women in management positions 5.6% 12% or higher
5 Proactive hiring of mid-career human resources, promotion of on-boarding, and strengthened links to and hiring of alumni Ratio of mid-career personnel in managerial positions 10.4% 20% or higher
(FYE March 2041 target)
6 Strengthen human resource exchanges with overseas Group companies, established hiring scheme for overseas human resources Ratio of foreign personnel in managerial positions N/D 20% or higher
(FYE March 2041 target)
7 Establish human resources system for promoting maternity leave among male employees, and foster awareness among male employees and in the workplace Ratio of men taking childcare leave 91.1% 100%
8 Create a workplace environment that is comfortable for all Ratio of establishments with multipurpose toilets and private changing rooms Toilets: 45.5%
Changing rooms: 9.1%
9 Implement policies related to improving lifestyle habits, the early discovery of illness, and mental health measures Absentism 0.46% 0.3% or less
Presenteeism (loss) 21.9% 15% or less
10 Implemented policies related to promoting dietary improvements and adopting exercise habits, and prohibiting smoking Percentage of employees maintaining appropriate weight 65.4% Yearly improvements
11 Promoting smart-working for workstyle reforms, reviewed workflows at each workplace Annual paid leave utilization rate 71.9% 80% or higher
12 Fostered awareness through safety education, strengthened facility safety Number of serious labor accidents 1 case 0 cases

Meiji Group 2023 Medium-Term Management Plan

[ ] Scope of KPI
Meiji Holdings, Meiji, Meiji Seika Pharma, and KM Biologics
KPI Base Year Results Targets
FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2027
Increase the ratio of female managers at least 10% by FYE 3/2027, compared with the FYE 3/2018 result of 2.6% FYE 3/2018 (2.6%) 4.7% 5.6% 6.5% - 10% or more
Increase the number of female managers (including assistant managers) to at least 420 by FYE 3/2027 (approximately triple the number as in FYE 3/2018) FYE 3/2018 237 256 281 - 420 or more
Raise the ratio of employees with disabilities above Japan's legal requirement of 2.3% - 2.57% 2.53% TBC 2.3% or more -
Renew certification for outstanding health and productivity management from the Japanese government - Renewed Renewed1 Renewed1 Renew Certification -

1. Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. has been selected as the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Brand for FY2022 and 2023 for the second consecutive year.
KM Biologics Co., Ltd. was not certified as the Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization for FY2023.

The Meiji Group's Requirements for Human Resources

Under the "meiji way," the action guidelines set forth in the Meiji Group's Philosophy, we have established the ideal employee as "a human resource who sets creative and innovative challenges for himself/herself and carries them through by leveraging his/her outstanding expertise and organizational capabilities".

figure: The Meiji Group's Requirements for Human Resources

Promotion of Human Capital Strategy

Human Capital Strategy

Human capital is extremely important because it supports the Meiji Group's value creation. We believe that respecting employees' diversity and making individuals perform to the best of their abilities lead to the Group's sustainable growth. The Group is shifting its human capital strategy from internal equal treatment to competition with external competitors. We will strategically promote human capital development to create and deploy Meiji unique value for wellness globally.

Human Capital Strategy In the Meiji Group

Until now
Being fair and reasonable so that everyone in the Group treated equally (internal equity).
In a closed-off internal competitive environment, employees and culture become homogeneous, causing innovation to stagnate.

In the future
Developing human capital that can overcome the intensifying competition and the rapidly changing external environment by not limiting itself to internal knowledge, skills, and human capital (competing with external competitors).

Ideal human capital strategy
Creating work environment where employees accept and maximize each other’s diverse values, knowledge, and abilities

Group Human Capital Committee

The Group Human Capital Committee, chaired by the CEO, meets twice annually as an advisory body to the Executive Committee. In FY2023, we will discuss Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), Human Capital Development, Health and Productivity Management, and Occupational Health and Safety. We will then set up KPIs. We will promote the human capital strategy based on management strategy throughout the Group.


  1. Enhancing Human Productivity and Value Creation Capabilities
    From Human Resources to Human Capital

    We view employees as capital, not resources. We will strengthen human productivity and the ability to create value through investments focused on improving quality.
  2. Creating a Culture and Structure Essential for Sustainable Growth
    From Human Resource Strategies to Management Strategies

    We will consider the ideal state of the Group’s human capital and develop a system where employees perform to the best of their abilities to realize the Meiji Group 2026 Vision. In particular, we will promote a strategy that emphasizes the development of core human capital to lead management strategies.
figure: Group Human Capital Committee

Promoting diversity and inclusion

People's values are diversifying in both the consumer and labor markets. We should promote D&I to sustain growth in such an environment. We will accelerate diversity in our core human capital by hiring and promoting women, Personnel capable of working globally, and experienced personnel from outside the company. Also, we will strengthen our competitiveness by creating diverse career options including senior human capital.

Meiji Group Diversity & Inclusion Policy

We established the Meiji Group Diversity & Inclusion Policy in December 2021 to promote D&I toward realizing the Meiji Group 2026 Vision. We will promote D&I to provide customers in Japan and around the world with progressive values in food and health.

  1. Promoting the performance of diverse human capital
    We will develop a work environment where human capital with diverse backgrounds* performs to the best of their abilities and play an active role in various positions.
  2. Accepting and maximizing each other's diverse values
    We will accept and maximize each other's diverse values, knowledge, and abilities to create innovation and new value, which lead to corporate growth.

* Gender, sexual orientation/gender identity, career, age, nationality, disability, employment status, during childcare/caregiving, etc.

We will recruit, train diverse human capital and improve working environments to enhance sustainable corporate competitiveness. For this, we will establish a D&I promotion system and set numerical targets for core human capital.

Photo: The Meiji Group Vision for 2050

Three Approaches to Promoting D&I

The Group promotes D&I through three approaches: creating diversity, leveraging diversity, and expanding diversity. Through these three complementary approaches, we promote D&I and foster the Group culture.

figure: Complementary Approaches to Promote D&I and Foster the Group Culture
Initiatives to Improve Corporate Strength by Maximizing the Individuality of Each Employees

In promoting Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), Meiji Co., Ltd. is promoting DIAMOND Project, which is named using the acronym for Diversity & Inclusion Activities: Meiji's Open & New Directions. Just as small diamonds sparkle brightly when they are put together, we aim to solve social issues and realize a wellness society by creating great innovations from the fusion of diverse human resources.

figure: DIAMOND Project
Encouraging male employees to take childcare leave

Meiji Co., Ltd. is a member of the initiative to develop supervisors who support individual careers. In 2022, we held a lecture for executives and distributed it in an archival manner so that all employees can view it. Going forward, we will continue to strive to create a workplace environment that makes the most of the values and skills of our diverse human resources, including the use of childcare leave by male employees.

Promoting Female Participation

Our first step toward D&I is to encourage women to play a more active role in our organization. To this end, senior management has committed to promoting more women to management positions, conducting unconscious bias training and career training for female employees. Further, to create organizations and workplaces in which every employee, regardless of gender, performs to the best of their abilities, we strive to offer more robust support systems that respects work-life balance. We provide regular training for managers who supervise female employees and employees in their child-rearing years, and we communicate throughout the Meiji Group to raise awareness.

Group Joint Networking Event for Women in Management

In March 2023, we held a groupwide networking event for women in management in conjunction with International Women’s Day. A total of 50 female managers participated in the event. Women in executive roles and serving as department heads held panels and roundtable discussions, leading efforts to foster a perspective oriented toward senior management and to build a management pipeline for women.

Groupwide Training for Employees in Their Childcare Years

As a group initiative, we provide training for employees who are in the process of raising children. During FY2022, approximately 170 employees participated in the program. Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. and KM Biologics Co., Ltd. offered training for employees engaged in childcare and their supervisors. The training encouraged a mutual understanding of the work situation between managers and subordinates. Employees engaged in childcare learned how to communicate better and involve others, while supervisors learned the importance of individual management and activity support.

Training sessions to build a network of female employees

Meiji Co., Ltd. holds training sessions to help each woman work positively and vigorously in her own way through networking among female employees, and to create innovation by utilizing the power of women. The monthly training includes career sharing, seminars on women's specific concerns (such as menstruation and menopause), discussions on how to resolve company issues, and monitoring of new products.

Mid-Career Recruitment

In addition to hiring new graduates, the Meiji Group is also actively recruiting people with careers at other companies to incorporate a wide range of knowledge. In addition, we have introduced a "come-back system" that enables employees who have resigned the company to re-enter. By rehiring resigned workers who possess the know-how and expertise gained in the Meiji Group and who have developed diverse experience and knowledge after resignation, we aim to further revitalize the company and create new value.

Supporting Employees with Disabilities

The Meiji Group employs people with disabilities at over 40 workplaces across Japan, and aims to maintain its ratio of employees with disabilities above the country's legal requirement of 2.3% for large companies. These workplaces have installed barrier-free restrooms and wheelchair ramps to create comfortable work environments for all employees.

Maintaining accessible workplaces for all members

At the Meiji Group, at the initiative of an employee with a disability, there is a growing movement among workers to display a card on their chest informing them of their disability. These cards can be used by those who wish to use them in accordance with their disabilities, leading to the formation of better communication. In addition, Meiji Co., Ltd. actively promotes the acquisition of qualification of vocational counselor for the disabled, and provides basic knowledge training on disability for all employees. By deepening understanding of disabilities, we are striving to create an environment that is easy for everyone to work in.

Rehiring Employees after Retirement

The Group has put a program in place to rehire employees who wish to continue working after reaching the retirement age of 60. The program allows these employees to not only apply the skills they have acquired over many years but also to guide and mentor younger colleagues.

In addition, Meiji Co., Ltd. launched career development support measures for senior employees (career design training for those in their 50s, career design interviews for those in their 50s, and reskilling) in order to assist individuals in their career development and support their ability development, so that seniors can work actively and autonomously.

Strengthening International Bonds Group-Wide

With the aim of further expanding its overseas business, the Meiji Group actively recruits outstanding local human resources at overseas Group companies in order to develop businesses that are suited to local cultures and needs. The Meiji Group believes that hiring local human resources contributes to the sustainable development of each country and region. To encourage locally hired employees to work enthusiastically, and to strengthen cooperation among Group companies, we publish in-house magazines (in Japanese, English, and Chinese), promote human resource exchanges between Japan and abroad, and hold learning workshops.

Supporting Sexual Minorities in the Workplace

As part of our efforts to encourage diversity, the Meiji Group began LGBTQ+ initiatives in FY2018.

Specific initiatives

  • Promoting understanding of LGBTQ+ issues in each company's human rights training
  • Switching the display of restroom for the disabled and multipurpose restroom to the display that can be used regardless of gender
  • Establishment of LGBTQ+ consultation service
  • Conducting seminars for hiring managers in order to promote understanding of LGBTQ+ issues
  • Application of welfare benefits to same-sex partners
  • Implemented bottom-up activities through its employee Ally (Alliance) network, which is a group of people who understand and support LGBTQ+
  • Product development and marketing that embraces diversity

These efforts of Meiji Co., Ltd., Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. and KM Biologics Co., Ltd. have led to the highest rating of Gold in PRIDE Indicator 2023, an evaluation index for LGBTQ+ initiatives in the workplace. Meiji Co., Ltd. has also been awarded the Rainbow Certification, which recognizes companies that promote collaboration beyond sectors including the national government, local governments, academic institutions, NPOs/NGOs, and other organizations.

Strengthening Human Capital Development

We believe that respecting the diversity of organizations and individuals and maximizing the vitality and capabilities of each employee will contribute to the sustainable growth of the Meiji Group, and we are focusing on human resource development.

Meiji Group Human Resources Development Policy

The Meiji Group has created a basic policy concerning skills development, and the company provides a skills development structure to foster human resources.

    To achieve the Long-term Vision laid out in the Meiji Group 2026 Vision, we will:
  1. Develop personnel who have the proactive mindset, as well as the expertise, creativity, and practical skills, needed to take on and achieve ambitious targets
  2. Spur group expansion by growing individuals and developing independent-minded personnel who raise groupwide capabilities
  3. Develop personnel who fully understand the Group Philosophy and put the meiji way into practice at an advanced level

Identify and develop human capital for group management

The figure below shows three characteristics of the Group management team: instigating change/strategic human capital, management, and specialists. Our management team should consist of members whose strengths are at least one of the three characteristics.
Of the three characteristics of management human capital, development of “instigating change/strategic human capital” is critical to further strengthening the Group management. If such human capital takes the initiative in developing and implementing progressive strategies, we can compete with external rivals and survive in the future. In FY2021, we launched the Group Management Human Capital Development Program for executive officers and candidates. Through this program, we identify and develop promising individuals who could perform as future managers in the group.
We encourage every individual to bring their strengths and individuality to the job. At the same time, we develop future managers through measures that promote characteristics (leadership values) and growth, which serve as the foundation of succession management.

Required Abilities for Managers who Drive the Meiji Group Forward

figure: The Meiji Group Management Human Capital

Desired Management Human Resources (Leadership Value)

figure: The Meiji Group 2026 Vision

Group Manager Development Programs "Meiji Juku" and Management Meetings

These human capital development programs are chaired by the CEO and conducted for executive officers and candidates. Program content focuses on self-development plans to reaffirm abilities, skills, and competencies, as well as reports to the CEO regarding the individual’s self-directed management reform activities. Through these programs, we cultivate perspectives and views as group managers, identifying group manager candidates in the process of transforming mindsets among future corporate reformers. 

Skills Development Structure

Based on the Meiji Group Skills Development Policy, we have established a skill development system that facilitates the growth and career development of each employee.

Figure: Skills Development Structure
Rank-specific training, business skills training at each career stage

Systematic training for Meiji Group employees starts with new-employee training, where employees learn the basic knowledge, behavior, and attitudes they need for work at Meiji. Next, employees receive training in logical thinking, follow-through, team-leadership skills, and the qualities and capabilities of a business leader. Managers receive training at each relevant stage, helping them reflect on their management style and strengthening their ability to foster their subordinates. Training for upper management is designed to enhance management skills to make the workplace more dynamic and to cultivate an awareness of self-reform as participants seek to become management leaders.

Training program for the development of personnel capable of working globally

We provide a wide variety of training programs to develop personnel capable of working globally.

  1. Self-development language courses
  2. Language training in English- and Chinese-speaking countries for effective language-learning and understanding of different cultures
  3. Programs sending selected personnel to business language schools to acquire practical language skills
  4. Programs to instill perseverance, understanding of diversity, and mental toughness by sending personnel overseas to gain first-hand experience in business customs under challenging conditions
Manager development

Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, and executive officers receive opportunities to better understand their roles and duties. This training includes legal responsibilities, corporate governance, compliance, and risk management. If necessary, these individuals are provided with information about Meiji Group businesses, organizations, financial status, and so on.

Outside directors and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members are given information about Meiji Group management strategy and the nature and status of the company's businesses. These individuals are provided opportunities to observe factories, research centers, and other facilities.

Newly appointed executives receive necessary training from external organizations.

Grooming future leaders

The Meiji Group offers a broad range of training programs for its young members to equip them with the leadership qualities and management skills needed by the leaders of tomorrow. Training focuses on developing strategic thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and communication skills. They are also given educational and training opportunities outside the Group, such as at business schools and cross-industry events, to help them develop a wider range of skills and perspectives.

Providing opportunities for self-development

Aspiring employees can apply to various self-development programs offered by the Meiji Group, including college and distance learning courses. To encourage employees to grow into the kind of career they envision for themselves, Meiji follows a training system that provides employees with more opportunities to be self-motivated in their training. We accelerate the development of autonomous human capital by encouraging employee learning autonomy, moving away from corporate-mandated training and toward self-directed training.

FYE March 2023 Training Results
  Program Objectives   Number of attendees Average attendance time(hours) Average Education and training expense(unit:thousand of yen)
Rank-based training Acquire skills necessary at each stage:
  • Strengthen the ability to nurture subordinates and junior staff
  • Improve management skills to inspire teams and organizations
  • Foster a sense of self-innovation for the next generation of management leaders
managers 806 10.1 23.9
non management employees 1,259 25.3 49.1
Global training
Diversity management taining
  • Develop personnel capable of working globally who is able to deliver results on the front lines around the world
  • Foster a culture in which diverse human capital feels free to play active roles
managers 704 6.6 21.5
non management employees 705 2.7 25.5
Developing next-generation leaders
  • Cultivate human capital with broad perspectives and high vision
  • Develop strategic thinking, judgment, decision-making, and communication skills
managers 43 39.4 691.6
non management employees 38 40.5 244.3
Division-specific and group company training such as self-development
  • Acquire business skills necessary for each responsibility
  • Encourage self-directed learning among employees and develop self-motivated human capital
All employees 23,501 11.8 6.3
Facilitating career planning through self-assessments

The Group has established a self-assessment system for employees to plan their careers in consultation with their supervisors. The self-assessment reports create opportunities for employees to reconsider their work practices and career paths, and also provide useful information for management to develop necessary training programs and help employees thrive in the workplace.

Evaluation System for Employee Growth

For employees to achieve high performance, they must develop professional skills, gain enriching work experiences, set challenging work goals, and push themselves to meet those goals. Given this approach, the Meiji Group adopted a system of management by objectives (MBO) for regular employees. Under this system, half-yearly or annual evaluations are conducted and the degree of achievement of goals are reflected in compensation.

We also conduct yearly 360-degree evaluations for managers at certain operating companies, using this multifaceted feedback to develop managers.

Employee-Friendly Workplaces

Promoting Health Management

We strive to improve productivity by grasping the mental and physical health of employees from a managerial perspective and strategically investing in maintaining and promoting such health. As a company embodying the Group slogan “Now ideas for wellness”, we believe it is crucial for our employees to remain healthy and vigorous. To achieve this goal, we have formulated and disclosed the Meiji Group Health Management Strategy Map.
We have selected healthy lifestyle habits (diet, exercise, quit smoking) as key to preventing obesity. We have set KPIs and are promoting measures accordingly.

Figure: Promoting Health Management

Committed to the Health of Employees

In 2018, the Meiji Group made an official commitment to help employees effectively manage their health and to promote wellbeing in the workplace. This commitment provides the basic principles of the Group's health management systems.

Meiji Group Commitment to the Health of Employees

The Meiji Group recognizes the fundamental importance of good physical and mental health for its employees to lead productive lives and reach their full potential. Therefore, the Group is committed to the following three activities.

  1. Measures shall be taken to encourage employees to responsibly manage their own health as well as the health of their family members.
  2. Programs shall be put in place to support the efforts of employees to manage their health and to enhance their ability to do so.
  3. Steps shall be taken to ensure that workplaces provide comfortable and safe working environments for all of their members.
Health management challenges and goals

We have formulated and are implementing a Health Management Strategy Map that clarifies the link between investing in Health Management and the effectiveness of measures. To address the management issue of realizing a company in which employees can work comfortably and are healthy and energetic in both their mind and body, we are aiming to achieve this goal by improving the lifestyle habits of "meals," "exercise," and "smoking," with the aim of "reducing the number of obese people to prevent lifestyle-related diseases." Through internal communications using Health Management Strategy Map, we will promote awareness of Health Management promotion activities for employees and their families.

Health Management Targets
Approach to Health Issues Key Targets
Strengthen initiatives to reduce lifestyle-related diseases (high-risk individuals) Percentage of regular health checkups received: 100%
Follow up rate of employees subject to secondary health checkups1: 100%
Improvement of dietary habits Increase the ratio of people with healthy eating habits (reduction in the number of people who skip breakfast and eat before bedtime)
Encouraging Excercise Increase participation rate of walking campaigns2 to 70% by FY 2023
Prevention of Passive Smoking and Encouraging Quit Smoking Ensure no smoking during working hours
Encourage employees to quit smoking and support employees who wish to quit

1. Follow up rate: To ascertain the status of the individual through medical institution examinations, interviews with industrial physicians and public health nurses, and personnel interviews

2. Walking Campaign Participants/All Employees

Shifting to smoke-free workplaces

The Meiji Group's workplaces have been steadily placing prohibitions on smoking and second-hand smoke in order to maintain healthier and more comfortable working environments. Workplaces have set up completely separate smoking areas, banned smoking onsite during work hours, and are providing support to employees who are trying to quit smoking.

Zero Smoking Declaration for Company Officers

The Meiji Group set a goal to reduce smoking among employees to as close to zero as possible. As a first step, we declared that all current company officers who smoke will "graduate” from the habit by the end of FY2023.

Implemented Breakfast Reform Seminar at sites nationwide

In order to improve "breakfast-free," which is a lifestyle issue for Meiji Group employees, we held a "Breakfast Reform Seminar" jointly with the Shokuiku Team of the Meiji Public Relations Department at all of our business sites nationwide. In addition to learning about the importance of breakfast consumption with an awareness of protein, which makes body, we distributed our own protein-containing beverages and promoted the motivation to make breakfast a habit.

Mental Health Initiatives

As part of our efforts to address employee mental health, the Meiji Group conducts stress checks once a year at each of our operating companies. We also have a system in place for employees to meet with an industrial physician, if so desired. In addition to stress checks, we pursue mental health-related initiatives that include self-care training for employees to become aware of their own mental health issues and line-care training for managers who supervise others.

Recognized for outstanding health and productivity management

In 2024, Meiji Holdings, Meiji, and Meiji Seika Pharma were recognized for their outstanding health and productivity management for the eight consecutive year through a certification program operated by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The program evaluates companies based on their employee health activities, such as provision of regular checkups, healthcare guidance, counselling, and fitness programs.

Also, In 2024, Meiji Holdings was selected as the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Brand by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange for two consecutive years.

Health and Productivity
Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization White 500
Infection Control Measures

To protect the health and safety of our employees worldwide, we provide expatriates and overseas business travelers with up-to-date information on the outbreak of infectious diseases including malaria, TB and HIV in each country, as well as preliminary guidance and support, including necessary immunizations and the provision of information from local medical institutions. In addition, we are taking all-out measures to prevent infection in the workplace, including the implementation of in-house mass vaccination for all employees in Japan as a countermeasure against seasonal influenza.

Workstyle Reform

We believe it is our corporate responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment at the workplace. To achieve this, we are creating a positive and comfortable work environment to promote a good work-life balance.

Providing Flexible Work Arrangements

The Meiji Group has introduced telecommuting and flextime systems for employees who need more flexible work arrangements. It also allows employees to continue fulfilling their work responsibilities when dealing with major life events. For example, employees can opt to work shorter work hours following a childbirth, and male employees are encouraged to take paternity leave.
We have created an environment in which employees can maximize their capabilities at their respective life events.

  • Introduction of a telecommuting system
  • Introduction of a flexible work hours system
  • Support for male employees to take childcare leave
  • Thorough implementation of employment continuity support system for employees at life events
  • Childcare and nursing care programs

Systems for childcare and long-term care
Nursing care
Pregnancy leave Pregnancy to 46 days before childbirth
Maternity leave 45 days before childbirth to 56 days after childbirth
Childcare leave Can be taken until the child reaches three years of age
Shortened work hours for childcare Shortening/staggering of work hours, exemption from overtime/late night work, application of flextime system
Nursing care leave 5 days per year per eligible family member
Nursing care leave Total of 365 days per eligible family member
Nursing care: Measures to shorten work hours, etc. Shortening/staggering of work hours, exemption from overtime/late night work, application of flextime system
Allowances, etc. Childbirth and childcare support At the time the employee or spouse gives birth (childbirth gift money and childcare goods)
Next generation cultivation allowance Monthly Allowance for Dependent Children
Mutual aid system Childbirth gift money, subsidy of 50% of babysitting expense (within 30 days), school entrance gift money, orphans' scholarships, etc.
Encouraging employees to take paid holidays

Through awareness-raising activities for employees and workplaces, we foster a culture that encourages employees to take annual paid leave and promoting the use of annual paid leave.

  • Encourage employees to take consecutive annual paid vacations (five days)
  • Raise awareness by broadcasting messages from the president regarding the use of annual leave
  • Set annual leave schedules at the beginning of the fiscal year and share them throughout the workplace
Efforts to comply with labor laws and regulations

The Meiji Group complies with various labor laws and regulations in each country so that employees can work with peace of mind.

Reducing excessive work hours

Our basic policy on working hours for employees is to comply with local laws and regulations both domestically and overseas, and to work toward reducing long working hours through more efficient operations and thorough management of working hours.

Major Initiatives to Reduce Long Work Hours

  • Thorough reporting and management of appropriate working hours
  • Thorough implementation of No Overtime Day (once a week)
  • Promoting Meetings Efficiency
  • Review and streamline operations at the workplace level


Based on the Meiji Group Human Rights Policy, the Meiji Group complies with minimum wages stipulated by the laws of each country. We also apply a uniform compensation system for men and women in the same qualifications and job levels.

Occupational Health and Safety

Based on the Meiji Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy, we recognize that safety takes precedence over everything else. Based on this policy, we continually work to ensure workplace safety and strive to maintain and promote employee health. Based on this policy, we are working with not only Meiji Group employees, but also partner companies working together on the premises to implement various measures related to safety and disaster prevention.

Management system

The Meiji Group considers employee health and safety to be one of our most important imperatives. We operate a system to oversee the occupational health and safety of the Meiji Group through the Group Human Capital Committee, chaired by the CEO. Once every six months, we report and discuss the progress of health and safety targets, measures against occupational accidents at each operating company, and data, such as the number of accidents. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors receive reports related to these discussions in a timely manner.
The labor union, which represents workers, plays an important role in the Central Occupational Health and Safety Committee. In FY2023, the committee stated a goal of zero occupational accidents at operating companies, and conducts a PDCA cycle to manage priority matters that must be addressed to achieve this goal.

Occupational Accident Elimination Initiatives and Accidents Occurring Over Time

To achieve zero occupational accidents, we are working with partner companies to reduce facility and work-related risks.
Specifically, we conduct risk assessments prior to the start of operations of new facilities and safety audits and inspections of existing facilities, and strive to prevent occupational accidents and legal violations at each business site by disseminating and complying with equipment safety measures and rules. Furthermore, in the event of an occupational accident, we investigate the cause and then conduct safety inspections and measures to prevent recurrence.

Preventive measures against occupational accidents that occurred in FYE March 2023 (excerpt of those taken for the at each operating company)
Common Accidents Measures Taken
Pinching, trapping
  • Installation of safety covers on operating and rotating parts
  • Review of procedures used when addressing problems
  • Thorough reminders to keep hands away from moving machinery
Fall Remediation of identified risks, familiarizing plant employees
Strain or overexertion
  • Prevention of physical function decline in the elderly (introduction of daily exercises such as slow squats)
  • Identification of workplace problems using Age Action 100 (recommended by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Workplace improvement tool to secure safe and health of the elderly), risk assessment from the elderly person perspective, hazard mapping, deployment of risk prediction activities
Workplace-specific health and safety training programs

The Meiji Group's main companies provide occupational health and safety training tailored to their specific workplaces. They also share information on safety with a view to prevent the occurrence of similar kinds of accidents.

Occupational Safety Education Results

FYE March 2023 Results / Unit: Persons

Educational Program Name Program Content Target Group Participant
Training to Learn from Past Accidents Training utilizing information about past serious accidents to prevent decaying awareness and recurrence of these accidents, to foster safety awareness, and to improve risk sensitivity All employees 640
Lifter Lower Operations Educator Training Training for educators to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for instructing certified operators on operations in the lower part of the lifter, the area where the certified operator system has been introduced Facility environment managers 36
ISO45001 Internal Auditor Training Training providing education for the acquisition and practice of knowledge/awareness necessary for internal auditors based on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) OSHMS Internal Auditors 47
Hazard Simulation Training Hands-on simulation training to improve employees’ risk sensitivity Workers 53
Risk Assessment Self-Diagnostic for Falls and Other Risks Measures to prevent falls as part of age-friendly measures. Physical fitness measurements taken after preliminary questionnaire-based self-assessment, with the aim of identifying any discrepancies Employees over 50 years of age 100
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Safety Risk Assessment Training Remote risk assessment training on the essential points of occupational health and safety regulations, hazard identification, risk assessment, and recurrence prevention measures. Lectures by external consultants and the Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association Plant, laboratory, and head office employees 59
Training for prevention of Fall accidents Learning about the causes of falls and what kind of workers are more prone to serious injuries, founded in past cases and medical evidence. Training for participants to experience locomotion checkups and slow squats as measures to prevent falls caused by functional decline of the lower extremities, and to continue these measures after the course Workers 100
Special Training for Handling Low-Voltage Electricity Training for personnel engaged in the operation of switchgears with exposed charging terminals on low-voltage power lines installed in areas like distribution board rooms/transformer substation rooms Workers 71
Other Initiatives for Employee Safety

The Meiji Group conducts regular disaster-preparedness drills at each operating site in accordance with firefighting plans to ready employees in anticipation of earthquakes, fires, or other disasters. In addition, we hold safety seminars before and after disaster drills to raise safety awareness.

Improving Employee Engagement

Today's labor market is increasingly competitive and diverse, with employers offering a widening range of work conditions. To ensure sustainable growth under such conditions, the Meiji Group's management recognizes the importance of having employees feel motivated and rewarded by their work, and committed to the goals of their respective companies and the Group as a whole. From that standpoint, management set the objective of improving employee engagement in the Group's three-year 2023 Medium-Term Business Plan launched in April 2021. Meetings are held for employees to discuss the Meiji Group's brand and measures to realize its new slogan. This promotes a workplace culture that encourages them to work towards the Group's growth as a team. An employee engagement survey will be conducted annually to assess the level of engagement and quickly identify issues that need improvement. Furthermore, the scores from the survey will be used as indicators in the performance-linked compensation plans for directors and executive officers.

figure: Engagement Score Results figure: Engagement Score Results(PDCA)
Strengthen internal communications through meiji Brand Project

In order to promote and embody the Group slogan "Now ideas for wellness," we are implementing a project to encourage employees to change their attitudes and behaviors in order to create a healthy value that is unique to meiji. Through direct discussions between senior management and young employees on such topics as meiji's health value and the Meiji Group's vision, as well as through dialogue with top management, we regularly hold workplace meetings to think and implement health ideas and solutions to social issues through business activities. In these ways, we are working to understand and empathize with the company's aspirations and to stimulate communications between ranks and employees.
We began the meiji Brand Awards in FY2021. These awards recognize ideas from individuals and workplaces in Japan and overseas that embody the unique meiji health values. In FY2022, we selected the “SHARE a Smile With Foreign Mothers in Japan” as the Gold Prize winner in the Practical Idea division. In the Workplace Action division, we selected the “Children’s Experimental Project Using Meiji Products” as the Gold Prize winner. These submissions were selected from among more than 600 entries.

photo: Strengthen internal communications through meiji Brand Project photo:
Holding of "Case Study Presentation Meetings on the Corporate Philosophy and Conduct Guidelines" to Promote the Behavior Change by Employees

KM Biologics Co., Ltd. holds annual "Case Study Presentation Meetings on the Corporate Philosophy and Conduct Guidelines" to introduce and share results of activities embodying its Corporate Philosophy and Conduct Guidelines to the entire company under the initiative of employees. We received more than 100 activities from various departments for the presentation of case studies for FY2022 initiatives. Among those received, the Grand Prize was awarded to a remote plant study tour aimed at familiarizing medical professionals with our products and fostering a greater sense of attachment. Another Grand Prize winner was an in-house interchange meeting aimed at enhancing communication and mutual understanding between sales and manufacturing divisions.
This case study presentation not only motivates employees but also improves corporate competitiveness.

photo: Holding of "Case Study Presentation Meetings on the Corporate Philosophy and Conduct Guidelines" to Promote the Behavior Change by Employees
Maintaining positive relations between management and labor

All regular employees of Meiji, Meiji Seika Pharma, and KM Biologics are members of a labor union affiliated with each respective company. Excluding managers, 100% of employees belong to the unions, which negotiate on their behalf. Recognizing the importance of maintaining a positive and productive relationship with labor, the Group's management regularly meets with the union leaders to negotiate wages and benefits, and to resolve any issues that arise in the workplace, including those concerning health and safety.