Independent Outside Member of the Board
Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.
Date of birth: September 24, 1959
Appointment as an outside director of Meiji Holdings: June 2018
Number of Meiji Holdings' shares held: 1,883 (as of May 31, 2024)
Mariko Matsumura has served as an outside director at Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd., since 2018. She is also a member of the company's Nomination Committee and Compensation Committee.
Mariko is a practicing attorney at law with over thirty years of experience since her admission to the Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association in 1988. She began her professional career in the same year at the law office, Braun Moriya Hoashi & Kubota, followed by Ryudo Sogo Law Offices in 1994. Mariko is currently a partner of Shinwa Sohgoh Law Offices, one of Japan's leading firms providing legal services to international clients, including corporations and governments. She is one of the firm's partners in charge of international affairs.
As a member of Meiji Holdings' Board of Directors, Mariko has raised the level of deliberations and decision-making by providing in-depth opinions and advice based on her expertise in law. She has also made significant contributions to the Board's supervision of the Group's business execution, making use of her practical experience as an outside member of the Audit and Supervisory Board of Fund Creation Group Co., Ltd. and an outside corporate auditor of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.