2nd ESG Advisory Board (2022)
In FYE March 2022, Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. established an ESG Advisory Board in order to ascertain the demands and expectations of diverse stakeholders, and to ensure our ability to respond appropriately.
The first meeting was held in August 2021and this is the second meeting of the Board. This time, the Board exchanged opinions on three topics: the Integrated Report, ethical consumption, and promoting D&I.

Date: January 27, 2022
- [Experts]
- Takeshi Kamigochi
Senior Managing Executive Officer, Vice General Manager, Oil & Fats
Business Unit, J-OIL MILLS, INC. - Mari Kogiso
Co-CEO, SDG Impact Japan - Peter David Pedersen
Representative Director, NPO NELIS
- [Internal Members]
- Kazuo Kawamura
Chief Executive Officer, President and Representative Director - Jun Furuta
Chief Sustainability Officer, Member of the Board and Senior Managing Executive Officer - Shinji Matsuoka
Executive Officer, Sustainability Management Dept. - Yuhei Matsumoto
Executive Officer, Group HR Strategy Dept. - Katsushi Nagamori
General Manager, Corporate Development Dept.
- Themes:
- Topic 1 Meiji Group Integrated Report 2021
- Topic 2 The current status and future of ethical consumption
- Topic 3 Promoting diversity & inclusion
Topic 1 Meiji Group Integrated Report 2021
Shifting focus from output to outcomes, increasing our storytelling, and value creation unique to Meiji
Expert opinions
- The message being delivered by management is strong and being conveyed clearly.
- The company has established a solid framework.
- Meiji ROESG1 is an advanced initiative that is highly praised in the industry.
- Providing expansive information is good but it seems too all-encompassing.
- The company is focused on output with a lack of focus on outcomes. Also lacking a story.
We will work to improve how we express ourselves in the Integrated Report 2022 by delving into the topic of how we identify the value that Meiji provides. We will narrow themes and use outcomes to build stories and strengthen the elements that are unique to Meiji.

Topic 2 Current status and future of ethical consumption
Leading the ethical consumption movement as a leading food company
Expert opinions
- Europe is highly environmentally conscious. Overall awareness in Japan is still not very high but children are learning about SDGs at school and are more conscious than their parents. Moving forward, it will be important to find ways to capture demand from consumers with a high level of interest.
- What will Meiji leave for the next generation? Instead of passing costs on through price increases, the company must work to make ethical a mainstream concept.
- As a leading food company, Meiji needs to make this a movement for the entire industry.
As education about the SDGs spreads among younger generations in Japan, as seen in Europe, it is expected that changes in awareness towards ethical consumption will accelerate moving forward. The Meiji Group is committed to management that incorporates sustainable initiatives. We evaluate what will we leave behind for future generations and will continue to strengthen enlightenment activities so that the social value of sustainable products becomes added value also for our customers.

Topic 3 Promoting diversity & inclusion
Transforming both awareness and systems to further accelerate D&I
Expert opinions
- Promoting D&I with first requires that individuals understand and recognize the importance of these efforts.
- Meiji must start by fostering a culture of psychological safety for employees in the workplace.
- Gender equality is still a top priority in Japan. Solving this will be addressing the way men work. This must not be a single company, but something that must be addressed by Japan as a whole.
- It is difficult to change mindsets. Changing the system will change people's awareness, making it easier for D&I to succeed.
- It is important to not only set targets, but also to identify bottlenecks and raise sensitivity to promote systemic reforms.
Meiji Holdings will establish a Group Human Capital Committee in April to promote D&I. Utilizing human resources is the most important issue for a company. By increasing our understanding of diversity by repeatedly engaging in internal dialogue, we will integrate not only visible diversity such as women's empowerment and foreigners, but also invisible diversity in the form of values, corporate culture, and workstyles. This will lead to the creation of new value.