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About Meiji

At a Glance

At a Glance

Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our core business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and we are dedicated to achieving this goal.



Medical needs are always diversifying – here's how Meiji is responding.

Climate Change

Position on Climate Change

The impact of global warming from climate change has resulted in a number of abnormal weather phenomena, including heat waves, dry spells, and concentrated heavy rains. These have caused great damage to the natural environment, including droughts and flooding. The Meiji Group recognizes climate change as a crucial social issue that must be resolved. This is because the Group's business operations originate from the bounty of nature through our value chain.

In light of the IPCC-issued Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, the Meiji Group has aligned its reduction targets of the entire value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3) for CO2 emissions by 2030 in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In September 2021, our targets were certified by the SBTi as being well below 2°C. Furthermore, by raising the targets, we have obtained certification for the "SBT 1.5°C " target in June 2023.

The Meiji Group supports the Paris Agreement, and Japanese laws pertaining to climate change, such as the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, and reports on its progress toward achieving medium- and long-term targets for greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption every fiscal year.

To encourage greater CO2 reductions, we introduced an internal carbon pricing system in October 2021.
Looking to the future, our efforts to mitigate climate change will continue, and we will focus on introducing energy-saving measures, making use of solar power technology, and purchasing electricity from renewable sources and reducing Scope 3 emissions through collaboration with suppliers and production sites. Meiji Group's target is to attain carbon neutrality by 2050, and we will continue to work towards further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Participation in trade associations and Initiatives

The Meiji Group participates in international initiatives involving government to support national climate change strategy.
We also support the formulation of national policies by expressing our support for the proposals for decarbonization issued by some of the initiatives.
We review the strategy on Climate Change of each initiative to ensure that it is consistent with our own climate change strategies.
We regularly review our participation in such initiatives, and in cases where our policies do not match those of trade associations and initiatives, we confirm the details with the relevant associations and consider how to respond internally.

Our Climate Change Targets

Meiji Group 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan

Materiality: Climate change
Data target range or company leading initiatives: Meiji Group Consolidated
Major initiatives Metrics Reference results Targets Medium to long-term targets
FYE March 2023 FYE March 2027 FYE March 2031 FYE March 2051
1 Reduce Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by strengthening energy saving and energy creation activities, utilizing carbon credits, etc. Scope 1, 2 emissions reduction rate
(compared to FYE March 2020 as year of reference)
14.9% 32% or higher 50% or higher Carbon Neutral
2 Reduce CO2 emissions in Scope 3 by reducing GHG emissions in dairy farming, reducing the amount of packaging materials used, and strengthening collaborations with suppliers, etc. Scope 3 emissions reduction rate
(compared to FYE March 2020 as year of reference)

* Categories 1, 4, 9, 12 (procurement/logistics/disposal)

2.9% 15% or higher 30% or higher
3 Promote the transition to renewable energy by expanding the adoption of solar power generation equipment and strengthening the use of electricity derived from renewable energy Renewable energy ratio

* Ratio: Percentage of total power consumption

9.5% 30% or higher 50% or higher 100%

Meiji Group 2023 Medium-Term Management Plan

KPI Base Year Results Targets
FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2031 FYE 3/2051
Reduce company-wide CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2) by at least 50% by FYE 3/2031 (Scope of aggregation: Consolidated subsidiaries of Meiji Group) FYE 3/2020 11.3% 14.9% 21.9% 19% or more 50% or more Achieve Carbon Neutral
Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 3 from purchased goods and services, upstream and downstream transportation and distribution, and end of life treatment of sold products) by at least 30% by FYE 3/2031 (Scope of aggregation: Consolidated subsidiaries of Meiji Group)1 FYE 3/2020 - 2.9% 4.0% 11% or more 30% or more
Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 3 from purchased goods and services) by at least 30% by FYE 3/2031
(Scope of aggregation: Consolidated subsidiaries of Meiji Group)1
FYE 3/2020 - 1.2% 3.3% 11% or more 30% or more
Expand renewable energy usage to make up at least 50% of total company-wide usage by FYE 3/2031
(Scope of aggregation: Consolidated subsidiaries of Meiji Group)
- 5.3% 9.5% 18.5% 15% or more 50% or more 100%
Total abolition of CFC-using refrigeration, freezer, and other equipment at all production sites by FYE 3/2031
(Scope of aggregation: Consolidated subsidiaries of Meiji Group)
FYE 3/2021 48.6% 57.0% 66.2% Reduce equipment over 35% Achieve total abolition -

1.Data for the base year
Data for the base year is calculated according to the method for FY2022; Scope 3 Category 1 is calculated based on the weight of purchased raw materials from FY2022. The amount of price of purchased raw materials was used to calculate Scope 3 Category 1 until FY2021.
Due to the addition of Meiji Food Material Co., Ltd. and Meiji Feed Co., Ltd. to the scope of coverage from FY2023, KPI progress is calculated by including the performance figures for Scope 3 Categories 1, 4, and 9 of Meiji Food Materia Co., Ltd. and Meiji Feed Co., Ltd. in FY2019.

Reduce CO2 Emissions

Energy Usage1
Unit FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Energy consumption volume (Japan) oil:10,000 kL 26.0 24.8 24.0 23.5 21.5
TJ 10,714 9,766 9,424 9,236 8,315
Per unit of sales TJ/hundred million yen 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9
Energy consumption volume (Global2) Electricity consumption MWh 569,049 631,404 772,659 760,199 757,827
CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, 2)3
Unit FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Japan ten thousand tons of CO2 50.2 46.9 43.7 42.4 36.5
Overseas ten thousand tons of CO2 10.2 9.4 9.9 9.1 10.6
Total1 ten thousand tons of CO2 60.4 56.3 53.6 51.5 47.1
Per Unit of Sales1 t-CO2/hundred million yen 48.2 47.2 44.8 48.4 42.7
Scope 13
(Unit: ten thousand tons of CO2)
FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Japan 22.2 21.5 22.1 20.5 17.7
Overseas 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.2
Total 24.8 23.9 24.5 22.9 20.9
Scope 23
(Unit: ten thousand tons of CO2)
FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Japan 27.9 25.4 21.6 21.9 18.8
Overseas 7.6 7.0 7.5 6.6 7.5
Total 35.6 32.4 29.1 28.5 26.3
Scope 34
(Unit: ten thousand tons of CO2)
Category FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Japan 303.5 294.8 302.7 348.4 420.5
Overseas 21.9 18.7 20.0 42.1 46.0
Total 325.3 313.5 322.7 390.5 466.5

1.Since FY2021,The accounting standard for revenue recognition is applied to sales used in the calculation of the per sales unit.

2.Meiji Group (domestic Meiji Group and 15 overseas production companies [13 companies in FYE 3/2020, 14 companies in FYE 3/2021, 15 companies in FYE 3/2022, 14 companies in FYE 3/2023]).

3.Applies to the Meiji Group (the domestic Meiji Group and 15 overseas production companies <15 companies in FYE 3/2022,14 plants in FYE 3/2023>).

4.From FYE 3/2024 results, Meiji Food Materia Co., Ltd. and Meiji Feed Co., Ltd. have been added to the scope of categories 1, 4, and 9.

Promotion of calculation of the carbon footprint of product(CFP) 1

The Meiji Group calculates and visualizes GHG emissions in each process to help prioritize initiatives.

As specific initiatives for the dairy sector, we used methods unparalleled within the Japanese dairy industry to calculate CFP (for Meiji Organic Milk). In addition to referencing the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), a program operated based on international standards, and guidelines issued by the International Dairy Federation (IDF) global Carbon Footprint standard for the dairy sector, we also used actual data from dairy farmers. In the confectionery sector, we participated in the Ministry of the Environment’s model business for the carbon footprint initiatives of product and services.

As part of those initiatives, we calculated our CFP for Meiji Milk Chocolate (50g)based on ISO14067.

Moving forward, we will expand CFP calculations to other products and make efforts to reduce GHG emissions with the knowledge gained from these initiatives.

1 The calculation and disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the life cycle of products and services.

Meiji Organic Milk

Meiji Milk Chocolate(50g)

Energy-Saving Measures

In order to help fight climate change, we are employing energy-saving measures throughout our entire business operation. Our production sites are continuing efforts to make use of and introduce new low-CO2 emission fuels and high-efficiency equipment.

Introduction of Highly Efficient Energy-Saving Equipment

In order to mitigate the impact on the global environment, we are working on energy saving. As part of the initiatives, we are installing highly efficient energy-saving equipment at some of our production plants. Additionally, along with the modification in how we use our equipment, we are aiming for improvements to our operational efficiency, as well as even greater future energy savings.

Photo: Meiji Seika Pharma's Gifu Plant

Energy-efficient transformer at Meiji Seika Pharma's Gifu Plant

Eco-Friendly Logistics Initiatives Such as the Introduction of Modal Shift

The Meiji Group is aiming to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by increasing the efficiency of its delivery vehicles.
For urban areas, this involves working to increase the carrying capacity of our trucks. For rural areas, we are working to increase delivery efficiency by sharing deliveries with other manufacturers.

In addition to this, we are focusing on carrying out a transportation modal shift. By moving away from truck-based transportation and towards railway and maritime transportation for our deliveries from Hokkaido to the Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka areas, we achieved a modal shift rate of 16% in FY2021. Thanks to these initiatives, in FY2021 the CO2 emissions of our transportation is down to 97% of the previous year.

We are working to reduce electricity consumption at our transportation centers and distribution warehouses by switching from mercury lighting and fluorescent lighting to LED technology.

Additionally, we are aiming at a reduction in energy usage through switching from CFC refrigerants in our refrigerated warehouses, in favor of highly efficient natural refrigerants, as well HFCs.

Changeover to Low-Emission Vehicles; Fleet Reductions

We began changing our delivery trucks and sales vehicle fleets to eco cars in FY2012. We have also cut down the size of our sales vehicle fleet.

Reduction of Scope 3 Emissions

It will be difficult to achieve carbon neutrality through initiatives of the Meiji Group alone, so we will work together with suppliers and producers to reduce CO2 and other GHG emissions. At present, we are engaging with some ten primary suppliers with whom we have set CO2 reduction targets and have established a system for ascertaining the status of initiatives. Additionally, we are also working with producers upstream in the supply chain.

Action for raw milk and dairy ingredients

The Meiji Group is striving to achieve sustainable dairy farming by working to improve social issues impacting the dairy industry. The GHG emissions resulting from dairy farming (the methane and nitrous oxide (N2O) resulting from cow belching and cow manure) are a social issue. In addition to promoting reductions in GHG emissions, we are aiming to link initiatives to sustainability in the dairy farming industry by positioning reduction initiatives as a new revenue source for dairy farmers.

As part of those efforts, we launched initiatives aimed at reducing N2O derived from manure produced during dairy farming and maintaining the livelihoods of dairy farmers using amino acid-balanced feed, one of the methodologies defined in the J-Credit Scheme1. In August 2023, we participated in the "Doto Carbon Farming Study Group" which promotes carbon farming2 in Betsukai Town, Japanese largest milk producer, as a verification field to reduce GHG emissions in dairy.

1 A national program for recognizing credits based on CO2 emission reductions through the installation of energy-saving facilities and the adoption of renewable energy as well as CO2 absorption achieved through appropriate forestry management.

2 An agricultural method that aims to reduce GHG emissions by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere into the soil and improving the quality of soil. In 2021, the European Commission announced the results of a two-year research study conducted from 2018 on the creation of a scheme to promote carbon farming, which has attracted attention as an activity to reduce GHG emissions reduction and absorption activities in the agriculture, forestry, and livestock industries.

Overview of initiatives

From March 2023, The Meiji group are collaborating with Ajinomoto Co., Inc. to launch a project aimed at reducing N2O derived from manure produced during dairy farming via the J-Credit methodology. Using amino acid- balanced feed enables dairy cows to absorb nutrients more efficiently than conventional feed, limiting the N2O emitted from manure due to the excess nutrients. The reduced GHG emissions will be converted to Credits and purchased by the Meiji Group. We will connect the credits to new revenue sources for dairy farmers and offset GHG emissions related to dairy farming along our entire value chain. We will use these initiatives as a opportunity for expanding future collaborations and promoting GHG reductions.

Figure: Water saving at Toda plant

<Business model based on the J-Credit Scheme>

<The activities of the Doto Carbon Farming Study Group>

The Meiji Group has established the "Doto Carbon Farming Study Group" (hereinafter referred to as "Doto CF Study Group") with General Incorporated Association Doto SDGs Promotion Council1 in order to promote initiatives that lead to GHG emissions reduction in dairy . The Doto CF Study Group will promote evaluation, research, and practice of "Carbon Farming" in Betsukai Town, Hokkaido, the largest milk producer in Japan. The Doto CF Study Group will contribute to the realization of sustainable dairy by increasing GHG storage in soil . This will be the first initiative in Japan in which the local community, local residents, and dairy manufacturers will collaborate to experiment with carbon farming from the dairy and propose to society how the dairy should be in the future. In September 2023, we started a survey of carbon sequestration in the soil at the farms of members of the General Incorporated Association Doto SDGs Promotion Council.

The members of the Doto CF Study Group, including the Meiji Group, also participate in the "Hokkaido Carbon Farming Promotion Council " established (May 25, 2023) by the Department of Agriculture, Hokkaido Government as a forum for information exchange and collaboration among a wide range of stakeholders, including producers, industry, academia, government, and financial institution, with the aim of decarbonizing agriculture in Hokkaido. Through this council, the spread of carbon farming is expected to expand throughout Hokkaido.

Kick-off meeting at Betsukai Town Hall on July 14, 2023

1. Established in 2018 in the East Hokkaido area, which holds the key to Japan's dairy production, as a voluntary organization of volunteers who are working on spreading awareness of the SDGs in the region.
- Address: 307-2, Nakaharubetsu, Betsukai-cho, Notsuke-gun, Hokkaido
- Representative: Chairman: Katsushi Nakayama (Representative Director and Chairman, Nakayama Farm CO., Ltd.)
Secretary General: Teruji Yamamoto (Owner, CEO , Yamamoto Farm )
- Established: June 2023

Action for Cocoa

We participate in the Cocoa & Forests Initiative, a global partnership for the protection and restoration of forests, and work with the government of Ghana and related organizations to aid forest conservation. In addition, we are working with cocoa farmers in Tomé-Açu, Brazil, to promote agroforestry farming*, a form of agriculture that creates forests, in our forest conservation work.
As Meiji Cocoa Support, our unique cocoa farmer support program, we donate wells, distribute free seedlings, and provide guidance on farm management, activities leading to the conservation of forests that will sequester CO2.

*"Agroforestry farming:" A combination of the words "agriculture" and "forestry." This is an agricultural method in which a diverse set of agriculture and forestry is cultivated in keeping with the natural ecosystem on land after trees have been harvested.

Action for Palm oil

Promoting replacement to RSPO-certified palm oil
We have achieved 100% replacement to palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) by FY2023. This helps prevent deforestation, thereby promoting CO2 capture.

Action for Plastic

By reducing the weight of plastic containers and packaging, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions during product manufacturing, delivery, and disposal. We are also working with suppliers and others to switch their container and packaging raw materials from fossil fuel-derived plastics to recycled plastics and bioplastics, which have a smaller environmental impact, while still ensuring product quality.

Launched switch to a bioplastic mix for containers in 2021

In February 2021, we began blending bioplastics into straws, plastic cups, and other containers and packaging. Furthermore, from July 2022, we will gradually switch to bioplastics for use in the caps of Meiji Oishii Gyunyu and other products. As a result, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions from containers by approximately 10% to 15%* compared to conventional methods.
*Our CO2 reduction rate is certified by Carbon Trust.

Action for paper raw materials

By FY2023, we have switched 100% of product containers and packaging materials to eco-friendly paper raw materials (FSC® -certified or other forest certified paper, including recycled paper). This helps prevent deforestation, thereby promoting CO2 capture.

*FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®): An NPO for global forest management, dissemination, and certification

Promotion of Renewable Energy

Renewable power sources like solar, wind, and biomass power not only help reduce consumption of non-renewable resources like petroleum, they also help us curtail emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2. The Meiji Group is helping to fight climate change through various energy-related initiatives.

Introduction of renewable energy generation facilities, including solar generators

The Meiji group are working to reduce our CO2 emissions by installing renewable energy generation facilities, such as solar panels. As of March 31, 2024, 18sites in Japan and overseas are using electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power generation. The annual reduction in CO2 emissions from solar power generation facilities will amount to 2,772 t- CO2. (in FY2023) We are planning further installation of renewable energy generation facilities in the future, both in Japan and abroad.

Sites Fitted with Solar Power Generating Equipment in FY2023
Photo: Eniwa Plant

Tokachi Plant(April 2023 operation)

Purchase of electricity from renewable sources

We are also systematically purchasing electricity from renewable sources.
From 2018, Medreich Limited (India) has been purchasing electricity generated by solar technology.
From 2019, Medreich PLC (United Kingdom) has been purchasing 100% of its electricity from wind-power generated sources.
From April 2021, Aichi Plant of Meiji Co., Ltd. ,and from April 2022,Tokai plant began purchasing 100% renewable electricity.

Use of bioenergy

Sakado Plant of Meiji Co., Ltd. and Meiji Chewing Gum make use of methane biogas as fuel, for example in its boilers.
In addition, at Meiji Co., Ltd. Tokachi Factory, we installed equipment that uses methane fermentation to treat wastewater from whey residue generated during cheese production. The introduction of this equipment is expected to reduce the annual amount of industrial waste at the Tokachi Plant by approximately 54%* and CO2 emissions by approximately 5.9%*.

*Compared to FY2021

Improved Environmental Data Management

We continue to improve our environmental data management system, which provides evidence of our initiatives dealing with climate change and global warming. In addition to consolidated group data collection and disclosure, we have an independent entity draft group management standards and perform audits to verify our environmental management system operations, as well as improve our data transparency and reliability.

Independent practitioner's assurance

We have obtained the independent practitioner's assurance for the energy consumption volume (Global), the CO2 emissions Scope 1 (Global), the CO2 emissions Scope 2 (Global) and the CO2 emissions Scope 3 Category 1 (Japan) in FY2023 by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. to improve the reliability of the data.

Eliminate Specific CFCs

Promotion of Converting from CFCs to Natural Refrigerants, As Well As HFCs

The use of CFCs has become an important issue, due to their ability to trigger ozone depletion, thus greatly speeding up climate change.

Following the guidelines of the Montreal Protocol, we perform periodic inspection of facilities that make use of CFCs, in order to reduce the risk of CFC leakage. At the same time, as part of our climate change initiatives, we are continuing to switch over from CFCs to natural refrigerants.

We are working to completely eliminate CFC-using equipment by FY2030.

Cases of Switching to Natural Refrigerants

The Meiji Group is aiming to further reduce CO2 emissions by introducing new energy-saving machines that use natural refrigerants. We are actively making use of subsidies from the Ministry of the Environment for this purpose.

    Meiji Co., Ltd.
  • FYE 3/2016: Kyoto plant, Gunma plant
  • FYE 3/2018: Kyushu plant
  • FYE 3/2019: Kyoto plant, Moriya plant, Tokai Meiji
  • FYE 3/2020: Kanagawa plant, Moriya plant, Nagano depot, Tokai Meiji
  • FYE 3/2021: Toda Plant, Tokai Plant, Shikoku Meiji(Kagawa Plant)
  • FYE 3/2022: Moriya Plant,Nagano Cheese Plant
  • FYE 3/2023: Osaka Plant, Gunma Nutritionals Plant, Kansai Plant,Kansai Ice Cream Plant,Kyoto Plant,Saitama Plant, Wakkanai Plant, Toda Plant
  • FYE 3/2024: Kansai Plant, Kyoto Plant, Nagano Cheese Plant, Kyushu Plant, Toda Plant

* Several location names appear repeatedly due to sequential conversion from CFC refrigerants to natural refrigerant-using machines

    Meiji Seika Pharma
  • No cases after FY2015
    KM Biologics
  • FYE 3/2016: Kumamoto plant
  • FYE 3/2022: Kumamoto Production Center,Kikuchi Reserch Center,Koshi Production Center,Aso Production Center
  • FYE 3/2023: Kumamoto Production Center,Kikuchi Reserch Center,
  • FYE 3/2024: Kumamoto Production Center