Business Plans
In 2018, we announced the Meiji Group 2026 Vision, setting out our promise and commitment for the important years ahead.
The Meiji Group 2026 Vision
We will combine the strengths the Meiji Group has cultivated over the past 100 years with the latest technology and scientific findings. In doing so, we will create innovative ways to meet our customers′ needs through food and healthcare, ensuring sustainable growth for the Meiji Group in Japan and worldwide.

Key Strategies
- Secure an overwhelming advantage in core businesses
- Establish growth foundation in overseas markets
- New challenges in the health value domain
- Social contributions
Three Visions
To realize the 2026 Vision, we created three visions: Business Vision, Management Foundation Vision and Sustainability Vision.

Business Vision
Food Segment
In Japan, we will focus to our core businesses, yogurt, functional yogurt, chocolate and nutrition, and strengthen our business portfolio accordingly. Overseas, we will launch distinctive Meiji products in each region to solidify a unique market position. We will capture brand recognition and accelerate growth.
Op. income CAGR
FYE 3/2027 Overseas sales ratio
Pharmaceutical Segment
We will expand sales of infectious disease products, generics drugs, and bio pharmaceuticals in Japan and overseas. In particular, we will enhance our production capacity, R&D, and promotion activities to establish ourselves as the leading company in Asia in the infectious disease domain.
Op. income CAGR
FYE 3/2027 Overseas sales ratio
We will establish a unique position in the health and preventative medicine domain by applying our knowhow and strengths in the food and pharmaceuticals businesses and by proactively engaging in open innovation to incorporate external expertise.
Sustainability Vision
Under the three main themes: Healthier Lives, Caring for the Earth and A Richer Society, we will actively contribute to addressing social issues through business.
Our promise and commitment for Sustainability 2026 Vision
As Food and Health professionals, we contribute to addressing social issues through our business activities, and to realizing a sustainable society for people to live healthy, peaceful lives.

Management Foundation Vision
We will advance the management system/structure by three policies as shown below.
Establish functional, strategic management system to grow sustainably in Japan and globally
- Systemize and apply succession plan, created based on our leadership value
- Establish business management system, secure and develop quality human resources to expand overseas business
Develop work environment, in-house system, organizational climate to maximize individual potential
- Create motivated and enthusiastic work environment
- Promote diversity
- Improve labor productivity and commit to health and safety in the work environment
- Enhance the meiji corporate brand