Now ideas for wellness

About Meiji

At a Glance

At a Glance

Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our core business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and we are dedicated to achieving this goal.



Medical needs are always diversifying – here's how Meiji is responding.

CEO Message

Aiming to Further Increase Corporate Value as a Leading Sustainability Company Kazuo Kawamura CEO President and Representative Director Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. Aiming to Further Increase Corporate Value as a Leading Sustainability Company Kazuo Kawamura CEO President and Representative Director Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.

The Meiji Group signed on to the United Nations Global Compact1 in 2019, supporting the Ten Principles related to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We pursue sustainability management through a wide range of initiatives.

In 2021, we adopted a new slogan -Now Ideas for Wellness. This slogan appeals to the unique value offered by Meiji and our business in food and pharmaceuticals. This slogan expresses our desire to be a sustainable company that solves global social issues through the lens of health.
We established Meiji ROESG®2 as our top management goal in the 2023 Medium-Term Business Plan to put this slogan into practice. We are conducting sustainability management by evaluating the value created by the Group in terms of both ROE (economic value) and ESG (social value). These efforts have raised employee awareness and allowed us to make significant progress in our sustainability activities. Our ESG evaluations have allowed us to join the top group of food companies in Japan. This is a major achievement of the 2023 Medium-Term Business Plan. In addition, Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. was one of 15 companies to be selected as SX Brands3. I am pleased to consider this to be another positive evaluation of our efforts to achieve the goals of the Meiji ROESG.

We will further evolve the Meiji ROESG in the 2026 Medium-Term Business Plan under the theme of integrating sustainability and business. We will achieve sustainable business growth by incorporating social issues into our business strategy and making sustainability our strength.
The Meiji Group will work to create a future society in which people around the world live healthy, happy lives. To accomplish this, we will work as one to enhance our corporate value through sustainability activities.

June 2024

1. Click here for more

UN Global Compact Comparison Table

2. ROESG is a registered trademark for a management indicator developed by Kunio Ito, a professor at Hitotsubashi University.

3.A group of progressive companies that enhance their corporate value through sustainability transformation (SX) selected and awarded jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.