Now ideas for wellness

About Meiji

At a Glance

At a Glance

Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our core business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and we are dedicated to achieving this goal.



Medical needs are always diversifying – here's how Meiji is responding.

  • From philosophy to culture creation.
    Supporting sustainable dairy farm management
    "MDA(Meiji Dairy Advisory)"

    MDA is an activity that supports “sustainable dairy farm management" by focusing on human resource management on dairy farms.
    For example, an expert team from the Meiji Group will discuss "what the farm should be (philosophy and goals)" with an owner of a dairy farm.
    The team also provides an opportunity for farm staff to discuss “what is necessary to achieve the goals” and “how to achieve them”.

    Each farm is the main player.
    In order to realize sustainable dairy management, we aim to establish a "KAIZEN culture" in which farmers habitually review their current situation and make improvements, and to create a system that enables dairy farmers to run on their own. We support the growth of everyone involved in dairy farming.

Targets by FY2023

At least 400 times annually, accumulated total 2,150 times or more

<FY2023 Results>

Target by FY2026

Number of farms participating in Meiji Dairy Advisory

Total of 100 or more

MDA supports issues solving at dairy farming by "three KAIZEN*"

    • Aim for growth of farm staff “Daily KAIZEN”
    • Find problems with everyone and promote KAIZEN

      • Instill problem mindfulness habits, improve continuous improvement mindset
      • Improve ownership mindsets for stakeholders
      • Create a culture of openness by promoting communication within the farm
    • Aim for growth of management, leaders, and successors“Goal setting KAIZEN”
    • Draw a vision of what we want to be and promote KAIZEN

      • Draw up a vision of farm management, formulate management philosophy and vision
      • Cultivate the ability to ascertain current problems and derive solutions
      • Set annual goals and conduct continuous improvement activities as a team
    • Aim for growth of organization “Mechanism KAIZEN”
    • Support growth of human everlastingly

      • Clarify what kind of people the company wants (career program)
      • Build a mindset of supporting growth of human resources in perpetuity
      • Improve leaders' ability to train subordinates
      • Cultivating management layer

*"KAIZEN" is the word for the Japanese production concept centered on continuous improvement.

An example of MDA activities

  • Held a "Kickoff Meeting" for managers to inform employees of the new year’s targets.

    経営者が従業員に新年度目標を発表する「キックオフ会議」 経営者が従業員に新年度目標を発表する「キックオフ会議」

  • Held a "Foreign Intern Study Group" to help foreign employees acquire necessary skills.

    外国人労働者への「技術継承のための勉強会」 外国人労働者への「技術継承のための勉強会」

  • Performed on-site "Improvement Activities" with dairy farmers to check the health condition and feeding behavior of their dairy cows.

    乳牛の体調や採食行動チェックなど、現場立会を通じた「カイゼン活動」 乳牛の体調や採食行動チェックなど、現場立会を通じた「カイゼン活動」

Launch of "Meiji Dairy Advisory COMMUNITY"

In September 2024, Meiji, as a dairy manufacturer who connect dairy farmers nationwide, launched a website Meiji Dairy Advisory COMMUNITY ("MDA Community").
The MDA Community, a website exclusively for dairy farmers, is a community where farmers can interact with each other.
By resolving concerns through mutual information sharing, dairy farmers who previously had no contact with each other can create connections and build new relationships.

  • Partnership
  • Our partners working on sustainable dairy farming
  • Imamura Fureai Farm(Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture)
    Imamura Fureai Farm(Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture)
  • Moimoi Farm Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture
    Moimoi Farm(Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture)
  • 「哺育ルールの見直しから、持続的な酪農へ」はまだ牧場(山形県米沢市)
    Shimizu Farm(Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture)
  • 「哺育ルールの見直しから、持続的な酪農へ」はまだ牧場(山形県米沢市)
    Hamada Farm(Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture)
  • 「人も牛も、ストレスフリーな飼養環境へ」北翔農場(北海道根室市)
    Hokusho Farm(Nemuro City, Hokkaido)
  • 「ロボティクスを駆使した未来型農場へ」中山農場(北海道野付郡別海町)
    Nakayama Farm(Bekkai-cho, Notsuke-gun, Hokkaido)


2024 2024

  • Finalist in the IDF Dairy Innovation
    Awards 2024

    The Meiji Group's MDA (Meiji Dairy Advisory) activities have been selected as one of the finalists in Sustainable Farming Practices - Socio Economic category at the IDF Dairy Innovation Awards 2024 conducted by International Dairy Federation.

    • Dairy Innovation Awards 2024 FINALIST Dairy Innovation Awards 2024 FINALIST

  • The 3rd MDA Meeting

    The 3rd MDA Meeting was held on February 7, 2024.This time, six venues (Hokkaido, Miyagi, Mie, Osaka, Kagawa, and Fukuoka) were connected to the main venue at the headquarters online. About 170 participants, including about 60 dairy farmers and farm-related people, attended the event and exchanged opinions on the themes of "realization of animal welfare (AW)" and "human resource retention," and shared examples, issues, and opinions discussed at each venue. It was a very fruitful meeting, with comments from the participating farms such as, “I was able to hear concrete examples of AW initiatives from other farms, and it gave me the idea that I could also try my hand at AW.”

    • Kanto venue Kanto venue

      Kanto venue

    • Kyushu venue Kyushu venue

      Kyushu venue

2023 2023

  • Second MDA Meeting

    The Second MDA Meeting was held on February 14, 2023. In addition to the on-line venue, we have set up a satellite venue at the Tokachi plant for this event. On the day of the event, about 200 people from inside and outside the company, including about 50 farm-related people from across the country, participated in discussions on the themes of Mid-term Plan, Technical Training, and Team Meeting. The farmers found the meeting fruitful, saying that they were able to have various people listen to their concerns and give them advice.

    • Kyobashi venue Kyobashi venue

      Kyobashi venue

    • Tokachi satellite venue Tokachi satellite venue

      Tokachi satellite venue

2022 2022

  • First MDA Meeting held

    The first MDA Meeting was held on February 2, 2022 to deepen partnerships with dairy farmers. Though we held the meeting, it was held online in consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by approximately 170 people from inside and outside the company, including about 60 people from farms across Japan. Attendees introduced MDA's initiatives and participated in a panel discussion. The MDA meeting was a very meaningful time for dairy farmers to discuss their concerns and help each other find clues to resolve problems they face.

    • Head office meeting venue Head office meeting venue

      Head office meeting venue

    • Dairy Farmer Panelists Dairy Farmer Panelists

      Dairy Farmer Panelists